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What Is A Praise?

A Praise is spiritual and creative form of expressing our reverence, love and admiration for the Almighty Yahuwah. The 'sweet psalmist', King Dawud expressed these reasons most eloquently in Psalms 9:1-2:


"I will praise thee, O [Yahuwah], with my whole heart;

I will show forth all thy marvellous works.

I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to

thy name, O thou most HIgh."


Another word for praise is psalm. The Book of Psalms is, among other things, a book of praises to the Most HIgh. Praises, or psalms also include prayers to the Almighty, and sometimes admonitions and encouragement for other worshippers who might read them, read Ps. 4: 2-5 for an example of a praise with an admonition for others.


Praises to the Almighty can be an effective tool for spiritual growth. One has to be reverent and focused when writing them. Remember, you are writing, as it were, a love song to the Almighty Creator of the entire universe and all life therein. It should not be taken lightly. He is listening and watching all that we do - this includes a praise to Him as well!


Writing praises to the Almighty is another way to keep Him in your life. He inhabits, or dwells in our praises:


"But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises

of Israel (Ps. 22:3)"


So if you want to cultivate a meaningful and real relationship with the Almighty write praises. They can be personal, you do not have to share them with others if you do not want to, especially if they are for Him in the first place. Again, if you want a relationship with the Almighty, that means you are seeking Him out. If so, then take these words of King Dawud to heart:


"... they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart

shall live forever (Ps. 23:26)"


Write a praise to the Almighty to thank Him for any blessing He has bestowed upon you or a loved one.


Write a praise for the beautiful and wondrous creation that came forth from His Hands (butterflies, sunsets, ocean waves, rain showers, squirrels, the sound of thunder, juicy pears, delicious grapes - everything!).


Write a praise asking for forgiveness.


Write a praise for protection.


Write a praise for financial help.


You don't need to have a Master's or Doctoral degree in literature to write a praise. The simplest, most honest praises are often the most beautiful praises.


The praises on this website were written by Tzipporah. They are offered for inspiration, encouragement and as a testimoney. Please feel free to share them. Artistic Ministry asks that you acknowledge the author and ministry - give credit where credit is due! To view a praise click on a title and you will be re-directed to that praise. ENJOY!!















Try These Great Study Tools:


Expository Study Guide


 How to use Praises 

as an effective tool

All praises are available as postcards or small posters



Writer/artist tzipporah shares her feelings about writing praises to the Almighty, and their use as a means of strength, peace and inspiration .


For tzipporah, there are times when creating prosaic psalms as an offering to the Almighty Creator can be so inspiring that her mind is awash with ideas and images that are impossible to ignore!


There are also times when painful or poignant feelings have been a point of inspiration in writing praises, "I've spent a lot of time 

reading and studying the Book of Psalms," tzipporah shared, "and one thing that I noticed is that Melek Dawud (King David) poured out his feelings in many of his psalms. He didn't hold anything back. He wrote about shame and remorse for his sins, bitterness and anger towards enemies, frustration over the people and the cruelty and wickedness he witnessed. He even wrote psalms where he asked the Almighty to destroy his enemies. That is when it kind of dawned on me that I could bare my heart to the Most High, Yahuwah. That there is nothing I cannot include in a praise." (cont.)



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